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Monday, March 10, 2014

[Album] Town CD Vol 52

Town CD Vol 52 || Khmer New Year Music 2014

Track List:

1. Phume neng norna ke klang cheang ke-Peakmi+Pich || Get this song
2. Chon oun der leng-Sophea || Get this song
3. Pouk oun pen na ?-Rayu || Get this song
4. Kromum kon mae Ror ngea nas-Nisa || Get this song
5. Komlos bong mean chet-Pich || Get this song
6. Neak res at chay rob songha-Bunnaroth || Get this song
7. Srey sa at kom pol som som ros-Sophea+Nisa || Get this song
8. Knhom anh cheng-Peakmi || Get this song
9. Mouy Soun-Khem || Get this song
10. Chnol peak Oh Yes-Rayu  || Get this song

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[Album] Town CD Vol 51

Town CD Vol 51 || Khmer New Year Music

Track List:

1. Tam Nhae dol chas-Sophea+Peakmi || Get this song
2. Dak peak oy ros ron-Sophea || Get this song
3. Bor Bor Kdaov-Rayu+Annyzam || Get this song
4. Tuk knhom Pon Phnom mae Kous ka om leng-Rayu || Get this song
5. Bong Tort men pler-Narin || Get this song
6. Chong ban pdey klang-Anny zam || Get this song
7. Ah boy Kon ov-Peak mi || Get this song
8. Dot 9-Sophea || Get this song
9. Kom los 2500-Bunnaroth+Allan || Get this song
10. lam leav Hip Hop-Narin || Get this song

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[Album] Town CD Vol 50

Town CD Vol 50 || Khmer New Year Music 2014

Track List:

1. cheir trong Puk nas-Pich+khnong || Get this song
2. Rorm lok lech Kchol-Pich || Get this song
3. Khnom chol chet nham karam-Knhong || Get this song
4. Ov kmak kan sel-Kreourn || Get this song
5. Cham songsa mok leng srok-Thina+Dj Chalite || Get this song
6. Bong som dam pka-Seth || Get this song
7. Steav Tleak code-Tina || Get this song
8. Kom pol Brochan-Pich || Get this song
9. Tieng kloun Ob or chnam Tmey- Sasa || Get this song
10. Chnam tmey srey leang chan-Narin || Get this song

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[Album] Town CD Vol 49

Town CD Vol 49 || Khmer New Year Music 2014

Track List:

1. Chnam tmey men plech tov vot-Nisa+Seth || Get this song
2. Kak dek Bat songsa-Nisa || Get this song
3. Sva Rorm Kro Vi Leo-Tina || Get this song
4. Doul korng chom pan-Nisa +Knhong || Get this song
5. Pek sroveng men chas bek bor-Khem || Get this song
6. Soniya Chnam kroy-Thina+Seth || Get this song
7. Chnam nis kom douch chnam mun-Anny Zam || Get this song
8. Saravan Long sne-Khem || Get this song
9. Pong morn Pong Tea-Thina || Get this song
10. Men hean Brotuy-Sasa || Get this song

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Saturday, March 8, 2014

[Album] Sunday CD Vol 104

Sunday CD Vol 104 || Khmer New Year Music 2011

Create: 08/03/2014
Singer: Sophea, Lino, Pisey, Bun sak, Veasna
Biterate: 192 Kbps
Frequency: 44.1 KHz

Track List:

01. mok rom ka trem chnam tmey || Get this song
02. pas morn ov puk kmek || Get this song
03. besdoung duk dak || Get this song
04. bae bai nov tae bai || Get this song
05. chnam tmey rom stot || Get this song
06. neang leng tae lou tou || Get this song
07. pdey nhom || Get this song
08. krom mom khmer yeng || Get this song
09. yang mech doal 5000 dollars || Get this song
10. srey kmaov || Get this song
11. bae bong somnag heoy || Get this song

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Thursday, March 6, 2014

[Album] Sunday CD Vol 103

Sunday CD Vol 103 || Khmer New Year Music

Create: 07/03/2014
Singer: Sereymun,Monika,Sreypov,Saly
Biterate: 192 Kbps
Frequency: 44.1 KHz

Track list :

01 houl pa moung khmer || Get this song
02 sday srey kor men por || Get this song
03 chnam tmey srey men por || Get this song
04 chong tov na noun la or || Get this song
05 srae krung jit knea || Get this song
06 kro mom prey cheu || Get this song
07 or song sa nhom euy || Get this song
08 oun dung lung snae kom pong chnang || Get this song
09 chom reung choun por kak sek kor khmer || Get this song
10 chan neang louk pro hok || Get this song
11 bong khmer oun khmer || Get this song

 Music Online: 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

[Full Song] Pock Oun Pun Na (Sokun Thearayu)

Singer: Sokun Therayu
Size: 4.97 MB
Biterate: 192 Kbps
Frequency: 44.1 KHz


Monday, March 3, 2014

[Album Khmer New Year] Sunday CD Vol 132

 Sunday CD Vol 132 || Khmer New Year Music 2012

Create: 04/03/2014
Singer: Veasna,Reaksa,Eva,Saly,Lino,Monika,Many
Biterate: 192 Kbps
Frequency: 44.1 KHz

Track List:

1 Sabay Chnam thmey - Reaksa ft. Eva || Get this song
2 Songha doch knea - Saly ft. Lino ft. Monika || Get this song
3 Kong oun vil dom - Many ft. Eva || Get this song
4 Komlos et ku - Meas Saly || Get this song
5 Neak louk prohok chong ban pro pon - Chum Lino || Get this song
6 Archar kar bat sbek cherng - Keo Veasna || Get this song
7 Komlos bong euy - Eva || Get this song
8 Ta chas chong ban pro pon - Phann Monika || Get this song
9 Kromom rob laor - Chum Lino || Get this song
10 Neak pheok mean chrern yang - Meas Saly || Get this song
11 Mae propon khnhom kach nas - Keo Veasna || Get this song
12 Kert rok ey ov - Lino ft. Saly || Get this song

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[Album Khmer New Year] Sunay CD Vol 131

Sunay CD Vol 131 ||  Khmer New Year Music 2012

Create: 04/03/2014
Singer: Sereymun,Sreypov,Bun Sak,Monika,Eva,Kola
Biterate: 192 Kbps
Frequency: 44.1 KHz

Track List:

1.Sra Khos Pi Toek-Sereymun || Get this song
2.Chol Chhnam Mok Dol Teat Hery-Sreypov || Get this song
3.Chol Chhnam Tov Leng Wat Na-Sereymun || Get this song
4.Ar Mouy Terb Thom-Sereymun || Get this song
5.Chhnam Thmey Chol Sdey Oun Tov-Bun Sak&Monika || Get this song
6.Kromom Srok Na-Bun Sak || Get this song
7.Kom Lors Srok Na-Eva || Get this song
8.Pkor Lan Ea Lich-Kola || Get this song
9.Bong Chhob Poek-Bun Sak || Get this song
10 - Prapun Rot Chol-Kola || Get this song
11 - Muk Chas Chong Kmeng-Bun Sak || Get this song

Music Online:

[Album Khmer New Year] Sunday CD Vol 130

Sunday CD Vol 130 || Khmer New Year Music 2012

Create: 04/03/2014
Singer: Sereymun,sreypov,Kola,Veasna,Pisey,Many,Reaksa
Type: MP3
Biterate: 128 Kbps
Frequency: 44.1 KHz

Track list:

01. Chuoy dos bonla che khnhom-Sereymun || Get This Song
02. Kom pong pek bropon tov tam – Mun & Sreypov || Get This Song
03. Orkun dol tevda chhnam thmey – Sreypov || Get This Song
04. Tov na neang laor – Mun & Sreypov || Get This Song
05. Sra sor ke khmer – Kola  || Get This Song
06. Kchol bok pi cherng – Veasna & Pisey || Get This Song
07. Sro veng chout tov ler sra – Reaksa & Many || Get This Song
08. Chok krem chnam thmey – Reaksa || Get This Song
09. Cham bong ream kontrem – Pisey || Get This Song
10. Bong som chak tek – Many || Get This Song
11. Komlos muoy tek – Pisey || Get This Song

Music Online:

Sunday, March 2, 2014

[Album Khmer New year] Sunday CD Vol 116

Sunday CD Vol 116 || Khmer New Year 2011

Create: 03/03/2014
Album: Sunday CD Vol 115
Singer: Sereymun Sreypov Saly Eva Lino Reaksa Mony Monika
Type: MP3
Bitrate: 192 Kbps

Track list:

01. Neak kro kalib ler-Sereymun || Get this song
02. Mean ta mouy nus-Sereymun || Get this song
03. Kam bong prem prey-Sok Pisey || Get this song
04. Besdong kolos chas-Meas Saly || Get this song
05. Bopha Svay Reing-Bun Sa || Get this song
06. Kromom srok na laor mles-Sereymun&Sreypao || Get this song
07. Kromom khlach mae-Veasna&Pisey || Get this song
08. Pdey Khmer min nik sday-Chom Lino || Get this song
09. Kromom Srolanh bong sen chom beng-Sreypao || Get this song
10. Komlos promeok chong barn propon-Keo Veasna || Get this song
11. Chnam thmey som oun reab kar-Bun Sak || Get this song
12. Louch srolanh kromom chong phoom-Meas Saly || Get this song

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[Khmer New Year] Sundy CD Vol 115

Sundy CD Vol 115 || Khmer New year 2011

Create: 03/03/2014
Album: Sunday CD Vol 115
Singer: Sereymun Sreypov Saly Eva Lino Reaksa Mony Monika
Type: MP3
Bitrate: 192 Kbps

Track list:

01.Prosna 2 khor    Sereymun&Sreypov || Get this song
02.Bat Sbaek Cherng || Get this song
03.Som srey loeung roim   Saly&Eva || Get this song
04.Mae khmek neng kon prosa    Chom Lino || Get this song
05.Komphlech kun mday  Eva || Get this song
06.Lor lork yom rok sne Reaksa&Monika || Get this song
07.Chol chnam krob knea   Sereymun || Get this song
08.Pibak chit prous barn propon khmeng Many || Get this song
09.Puke khang pheok Lino&Monika || Get this song
10.Rok kdam barn krom Reaksa || Get this song
11.Omnor Moha Sangkran thmey  Sreypov || Get this song
12.Chnam thmey srey rongear Monika || Get this song

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